Academy Sports & Outdoors Beaufort, SC

Tenant Build-Out/Infill
Specs (click to expand/collapse)
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Name Size
000101 - project title page - consultants listed(Version=2) 250.3 KB
000102 - tableofcontents(Version=2) 73.4 KB
000107 - seals page(Version=1) 63.9 KB
000107 - seals page Arch - Signed(Version=1) 256.8 KB
000107 - seals page Elec - Signed(Version=1) 151.9 KB
000107 - seals page Fire Protect SS 7-17-24(Version=1) 355.2 KB
000107 - seals page Mech - Signed(Version=1) 97.9 KB
000107 - seals page Struct - Signed(Version=1) 1.3 MB
011000 sf - summary(Version=2) 98.8 KB
012600 sf - contract modification procedures(Version=2) 48.6 KB
012900 sf - payment procedures(Version=2) 85.5 KB
013100 sf - project management and coordination(Version=2) 1.0 MB
013200 sf - construction progress documentation(Version=2) 748.5 KB
013300 sf - submittal procedures(Version=2) 2.1 MB
014000 sf - quality requirements(Version=2) 176.6 KB
014200 sf - references(Version=2) 167.3 KB
015000 sf - temporary facilities and controls(Version=2) 174.9 KB
016000 sf - product requirements(Version=2) 96.1 KB
017300 sf - execution(Version=2) 129.5 KB
017419 sf - construction waste management and disposal(Version=2) 46.9 KB
017700 sf - closeout procedures(Version=2) 124.2 KB
017823 sf - operation and maintenance data(Version=2) 57.9 KB
017900 sf - demonstration and training(Version=2) 51.3 KB
019113 sf - general commissioning requirements(Version=2) 67.3 KB
027650 sf- pavement markings(Version=2) 57.3 KB
033000 sf - cast-in-place concrete(Version=2) 194.0 KB
033560 - modified polished concrete floor finishes (TKO)(Version=2) 239.9 KB
033560 - modified polished concrete floor finishes(Version=2) 227.2 KB
033565 sf - burnished concrete floor finishes(Version=2) 74.9 KB
034500 - plant-precast architectural concrete(Version=2) 55.5 KB
035413 sf - portland cementitious underlayment(Version=2) 51.8 KB
039050 - concrete repairs(Version=2) 428.0 KB
042000 sf - unit masonry(Version=2) 77.4 KB
051200 sf - structural steel framing(Version=2) 95.5 KB
052100 sf - steel joist framing(Version=2) 71.4 KB
053100 sf - steel decking(Version=2) 53.7 KB
054000 sf - cold-formed metal framing(Version=2) 92.4 KB
055133 - metal ladders(Version=2) 51.7 KB
055213 SF - pipe and tube railings(Version=2) 79.1 KB
061000 sf - rough carpentry(Version=2) 94.1 KB
062023 sf - interior finish carpentry(Version=2) 51.5 KB
064116 sf - plastic-laminate-faced architectural cabinets(Version=2) 91.2 KB
064216 sf - wood paneling(Version=2) 101.8 KB
066400 sf - plastic paneling(Version=2) 54.3 KB
072100 sf - thermal insulation(Version=2) 51.1 KB
072713 sf - modified bituminous sheet air barriers(Version=2) 53.7 KB
072726 - Fluid-Applied Memb Air Barriers(Version=2) 65.2 KB
074113.16 sf - Metal Roof and Wall Panels(Version=2) 177.6 KB
074243 - Composite Wall Panels(Version=2) 136.4 KB
075423 sf - thermoplastic polyolefin (tpo) roofing (high wind) - Copy(Version=2) 216.1 KB
076200 sf - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim(Version=2) 168.0 KB
077100 sf - roof specialties(Version=2) 59.5 KB
077200 sf - roof accessories (high wind)(Version=2) 129.0 KB
077200 sf - roof accessories(Version=2) 96.2 KB
077253 sf - snow guards(Version=2) 91.1 KB
078413 sf - penetration firestopping(Version=2) 53.6 KB
078443 sf - Joint Firestopping(Version=2) 54.3 KB
079200 sf - joint sealants(Version=2) 58.4 KB
081113 sf - hollow metal doors and frames(Version=2) 82.2 KB
082100 sf - impact resistant interior doors (flush) and frames(Version=2) 188.3 KB
083113 sf - access doors and frames-(Version=2) 54.7 KB
083323 sf - overhead coiling doors(Version=2) 68.8 KB
083457 sf - security shutters(Version=2) 56.1 KB
083830 sf - traffic doors(Version=2) 52.6 KB
084113 sf - aluminum-framed entrances and storefronts(Version=2) 102.8 KB
084229.23 - Impact Rated Sliding Automatic Entrances(Version=2) 121.7 KB
087111 sf - door hardware(Version=2) 195.2 KB
088000 sf - glazing(Version=2) 88.2 KB
088700 sf - sun control window film(Version=2) 110.0 KB
092216 sf - non-structural metal framing(Version=2) 60.9 KB
092900 sf - gypsum board (security mesh)(Version=2) 62.3 KB
093013 sf - ceramic tiling(Version=2) 69.6 KB
095123 sf - acoustical tile ceilings-(Version=2) 49.0 KB
096513 sf - resilient base and accessories(Version=2) 59.4 KB
096816 sf - carpet(Version=2) 90.5 KB
099113 - exterior painting(Version=2) 62.0 KB
099123 - interior painting(Version=2) 61.9 KB
101440 - plastic signage(Version=2) 91.1 KB
102113 - powder coated toilet compartments(Version=2) 83.5 KB
102800 - toilet accessories(Version=2) 84.8 KB
104413 sf - fire protection cabinets(Version=2) 66.8 KB
104416 - fire extinguishers(Version=2) 60.5 KB
111316 - loading dock seals and hoods(Version=2) 49.0 KB
111319 - stationary loading dock equipment(Version=2) 53.2 KB
124814 - entrance floor mats and frames(Version=2) 74.2 KB
211000 - water based fire suppression systems(Version=3) 143.9 KB
215100 testing requirements and completion form(Version=3) 52.8 KB
220010 sf - general plumbing requirements(Version=2) 276.8 KB
220015 sf - coordination of plumbing equipment(Version=2) 47.7 KB
220517 sf - sleeves and sleeve seals for plumbing piping(Version=2) 85.9 KB
220519 sf - meters and gauges for plumbing piping(Version=2) 61.0 KB
220523 sf - general-duty valves for plumbing piping(Version=2) 101.8 KB
220529 sf - hangers and supports for plumbing piping and equipment(Version=2) 156.0 KB
220548 sf - vibration and seismic controls for plumbing piping and equipment(Version=2) 84.4 KB
220553 sf - identification for plumbing piping and equipment(Version=2) 54.4 KB
220719 sf - plumbing piping insulation(Version=2) 179.2 KB
221111 sf - mechanically joined plumbing piping systems(Version=2) 90.9 KB
221113 sf - facility water distribution piping(Version=2) 58.8 KB
221116 sf - domestic water piping(Version=2) 100.2 KB
221119 sf - domestic water piping specialties(Version=2) 139.1 KB
221316 sf - sanitary waste and vent piping(Version=2) 171.1 KB
221319 sf - sanitary waste piping specialties(Version=2) 51.8 KB
221413 sf - storm drainage piping(Version=2) 81.5 KB
221429 sf - sump pumps(Version=2) 56.6 KB
223300 sf - electric, domestic-water heaters(Version=2) 99.4 KB
224000 sf - plumbing fixtures(Version=2) 81.1 KB
229100 sf - testing requirements and completion form(Version=2) 80.2 KB
229200 sf - om requirements and completion form(Version=2) 69.7 KB
230010 sf - general mechanical requirements(Version=2) 258.4 KB
230015 sf - electrical coordination for mechanical equipment(Version=2) 48.8 KB
230517 sf - sleeves and sleeve seals for hvac piping(Version=2) 70.1 KB
230529 sf - hangers and supports for hvac piping and equipment(Version=2) 127.3 KB
230548 sf - vibration and seismic controls for hvac(Version=2) 140.8 KB
230553 sf - identification for hvac piping and equipment(Version=2) 58.6 KB
230593 sf - testing, adjusting, and balancing for hvac(Version=2) 126.8 KB
230713 sf - duct insulation(Version=2) 157.3 KB
231123 fl - facility natural-gas piping(Version=2) 200.7 KB
233113 fl - metal ducts(Version=2) 184.4 KB
233300 sf - air duct accessories(Version=2) 114.6 KB
233423 sf - hvac power ventilators(Version=2) 55.6 KB
233713 sf - diffusers, registers, and grilles(Version=2) 97.1 KB
234100 sf - particulate air filtration(Version=2) 50.9 KB
237413 sf - packaged outdoor central-station air-handling units(Version=2) 169.5 KB
238239 sf - wall-mounted unit heaters(Version=2) 49.1 KB
239100 sf - testing requirements and completion form(Version=2) 81.1 KB
239200 sf - om requirements and completion form(Version=2) 71.3 KB
260010 fl - general electrical requirements(Version=2) 131.1 KB
260502 sf - equipment wiring systems(Version=2) 48.9 KB
260504 sf - provisions for electric utility service(Version=2) 49.3 KB
260519 sf - low-voltage electrical power conductors and cables(Version=2) 55.8 KB
260526 fl - grounding and bonding for electrical systems(Version=2) 69.0 KB
260529 fl - hangers and supports for electrical systems(Version=2) 57.3 KB
260533 fl - raceways and boxes for electrical systems(Version=2) 223.0 KB
260544 fl - sleeves and sleeve seals for electrical raceways and cabling(Version=2) 79.2 KB
260548.16 fl - seismic controls for electrical systems(Version=2) 83.5 KB
260553 sf - identification for electrical systems(Version=2) 56.8 KB
260923 fl - lighting control devices-(Version=2) 56.1 KB
262200 sf - low-voltage transformers(Version=2) 77.0 KB
262413.21 sf - integrated facilities switchboard(Version=2) 60.0 KB
262416 sf - panelboards(Version=2) 90.0 KB
262726 fl - wiring devices(Version=2) 185.3 KB
262813 fl - fuses(Version=2) 51.0 KB
262816 fl - enclosed switches and circuit breakers(Version=2) 74.9 KB
265100 sf - interior lighting(Version=2) 136.2 KB
265600 sf - exterior lighting(Version=2) 178.7 KB
266100 sf - testing requirements and completion form(Version=2) 156.6 KB
266200 sf - onm requirements and completion form(Version=2) 64.2 KB
280500 lf - electronic safety and security(Version=2) 147.2 KB
280513 fl - conductors and cables for electronic safety and security(Version=2) 141.7 KB
281111 digital, addressable fire alarm systems(Version=2) 206.6 KB
281600 fl - intrusion detection(Version=2) 226.5 KB
285100 testing requirements and completion form(Version=2) 79.2 KB
285200 onm requirements and completion form(Version=2) 74.5 KB
ASO Beaufort SC_ Sys 1 Area 3 Rec(Version=1) 121.0 KB
ASO Beaufort SC_ Sys 1 Area 11 Sales 6 Spk(Version=1) 113.8 KB
ASO Beaufort SC_ Sys 1 Area 31 Rec 6 Spk(Version=1) 120.4 KB
ASO Beaufort SC_ Sys 1 EntryCanopy Area 5(Version=1) 124.8 KB
ASO Beaufort SC_ Sys 2 Area 23 Sales 6 Spk(Version=1) 113.4 KB
SprinklerSystemSpecificationContinuation S&S 10-14-24(Version=1) 581.0 KB
SprinklerSystemSpecification S&S 10-14-24(Version=1) 641.1 KB